Melancholy and Polemics

  • Raymond Petridis University of Peloponnese
  • Panajotis Kondylis
Keywords: Melancholy, polemics


The present article sheds light on a particular aspect of the notion of power by examining the substantive and the potential relation between the latter and the mechanism of melancholy within the context of an individual subject’s pursuit of social recognition and general or binding influence. It offers a typology of melancholics prominent in the history of ideas, while at the same time unearthing the parallelism that exists between the levels of individual psychology, culture and anthropology.

Author Biography

Raymond Petridis, University of Peloponnese
Main Translator’s Profile: Dr. Petridis studied theology at the National University of Athens, Greece (BA 1998) and Philosophy & Social Sciences at the University of Essex, U.K. (MA 2000) and the New School for Social Research, New York (MPhil 2005; PhD 2013). He taught ancient and modern philosophy at Eugene Lang College, N.Y. and College Year in Athens [American study-abroad program]. He is currently a Visiting Lecturer at the Dept. of Political Science & International Relations of the University of Peloponnese (Greece) and translator & academic coordinator of Freundsekreis P. Kondylis e.V. (Germany). He is the author of Kondylis and the Problem of Nihilism (ProQuest, University of Michigan Dissertations Publishing 2013) and Hegel and Kondylis. The hegelian genealogy of dualism, the unhappy consciousness and the kondylean “enlightened stoicism” (Eurasia Publications 1st edition 2011; 2nd edition 2017[in Greek]). His most recent articles include: “Power and Authority in Kondylis’ Late Work” (Neos Hermis Journal, issue 10, 2014:118-162 - in Greek); “The Philosophical Importance of Tragedy in Nietzsche’s Work. An alternative reading of The Birth of Tragedy with critical remarks in the light of the kondylean worldview”(Journal of Nea Hestia, April 2008: 722-741 – in Greek); “The Hegelian in inspiration ‘Modern Antigone’ and its embellished position in contemporary philosophical-political theory” (expected). He is a specialized Kondylis & Nietzsche scholar and is currently working on a comparative project in the field of intersubjective theory of recognition, subjection and moral injury that explores the relation between “taking another’s view” and the shaping of an individual subject’s identity in the philosophical work of P. Kondylis, J. P. Sartre and A. Honneth.