Denkbild: storia, arte e filosofia. George, Platone e la “poetica delle idee”.


In the context of the aesthetic debate on the relationship between art and thought of art between the nineteenth and twentieth century in Germany the position taken by the George-Kreis results from an original reformulation of the great tradition of the first German Romanticism: the concept of Denkbild, that we can translate as 'image-thought' or ‘idea’, denotes not only the conceptual and reflective dimension in which this relationship is expressed, but also, at the same time, the artistic and aesthetic representation of the creative dimension itself. In the work Tage und Taten the necessary reconciliation between art and philosophy is read in connection with the meaning of the 'idea’ that George and his circle derives from the interpretation of Plato and his work: the ‘cultual’ dimension of the idea as formed and forming shape of the creative process is at the beginning of a poetics in which the artwork seems to recover its original mythic-symbolic significance.


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