Un unico tradurre

Per una banalizzazione della teoria della traduzione

  • Filippo Batisti Università Ca' Foscari Venezia


Abstract: It is usually understood that some particular kinds of texts are ‘more difficult’, if not virtually ‘impossible’ to translate than others, as not every genre of writing poses the same kinds of challenges to the translator. Being this difference essentialized in many prominent authors, especially in the German modern and contemporary tradition, this paper argues that, by contrast, there is a common translation conceptual area, and that, while differing in certain features, all to-be-translated texts are not different in essence with respect to the kind of problems and challenges they raise. In fact, indeterminacy and vagueness in language are already there in the most basic, everyday, non-literary uses of language. It is therefore argued in favor of a “banalized” view of translating.