Translation doesn’t exist. Translations exist

A sonic laboratory of coexistence

  • Daniela Allocca Indipendent Researcher
Keywords: translation, multiligualism, ecotranslation, coexistence, performativity


To move between translatability and untranslatability, the Benjamin text will be investigated once again. In "The Translation Zone" Emily Apter deals with the issue translation linking it to the concept  of technical reproducibility.  In Benjamin's work the two issues, technical reproducibility of the work of art and translatability, are somehow connected, they coexist. What coexists in translation is perhaps the source text along with the target text, it is the voice of the "author" mixed with the voice of the translator or translators. This is a strongly ecological (Cronin) and political (Spivak) dimension. In this text it will trace the theoretical discourses that highlight the relational, processual, and dialogic dimensions of translation as of more ideas, conceptions coexistence of spaces in Ernst Cassirer to eco-translation by Michael Cronin.  


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