Matter(s) of Love: Natural Reciprocity in Hegel and Lanthimos
Hegel, Love, Lanthimos, Film Theory, Materiality, Recognition
Contemporary readings of the Hegelian concept of love move from the paradigm of recognition as an uncontroversial framework. Challenging this view, I will argue that Hegel’s philosophy offers better conceptual tools to reflect on the structure of erotic bonds. At first, I will discuss Hegelian love as a form of natural reciprocity, tied to the materiality of the lovers and of the external world (§1). I will then highlight the shortcomings of Axel Honneth’s recognitive account and turn to Paul Kottman for an alternative reading of love. Despite providing a valuable alternative, Love as Human Freedom risks obliterating the link between love and materiality (§2). To stress the relevance of this aspect, I will turn to Lanthimos’ film (The Lobster). Through its negative representation of love, the movie offers an indirect way of assessing the defining features of Hegel’s conception (§3).