Non ancora

Il significato filosofico dell’estetica

  • Christoph Menke Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität


This paper’s aim is to understand the origin and the meaning of the realm of aesthetics. In this way, the author wants to provide to a philosophical definition of the aesthetical. It’s a fact that the realm of aesthetical interested philosophers from ancient times. What here is argued is that admitting the philosophic relevance of aesthetics means to question philosophy itself. This essay is divided in three paragraphs. In the first, a philosophy of the poetical will be distinguished from a philosophy of the aesthetical. Then, the realm of the aesthetical will be described as regressive and reflexive. In conclusion, the role of aesthetics in philosophy will be defined as paradoxical. Translated by Marta Vero from Christoph Menke, Noch nicht. Die philosophische Bedeutung der Ästhetik (originariamente apparso in Friedrich Balke/Harun Maye/Leander Scholz (a cura di), Ästhetische Regime um 1800, Fink, München 2009, pp. 39-48.  


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