Focus and Scope
ODRADEK is an International Journal powered by the University of Pisa.
The name "Odradek" stems from Kafka's tale "Die Sorge des Hausvaters", where Odradek is an imaginary creature described as an object, but endowed with living properties bringing the father of the family with which Odradek lives to think that it could also live after his death. There are many interpretations of what Odradek is. Here is essential to say that Odradek is an undefinable entity as well as it is the object this Journal will investigate: art and its products.
More precisely, Odradek will explore three fields:
- the philosophy of literature: reflections developed over the centuries by philosophers and writers on the nature of poem, literature and narrative fiction, but also the quarrel between contemplative thought (theorein) and artistic-productive activity (poiesis), and consequently the problem of the style of philosophy.
- aesthetics: the philosophical theories concerning arts, beauty, sublime, metaphor, etc. and the related human faculties and impulses such as sensibility, aesthetic judgement, genius, melancholy, play instinct, inspiration and compositive capacity.
- new media theories: the philosophical exploration of how sensibility, arstistic capacities, rhetorics and communication has been modified in the age of the digitalization.
Peer Review Process
Articles will be anonymously peer-reviewed by two blind referees, who have to express their evaluations on two foundamental aspects:
- content: the quality, the relevance and the originality of the submitted article
- style and method: coherence, concision, argumentative efficacy and eventual linguistic problems related to the fact that the authors chose to write in a language that is not their mother language.
There are three evaluation options:
(a) the article is accepted without reservations;
(b) the article is accepted with reservations;
(c) the article is not accepted.
In case (a) the referee is not required to formulate any comments. In case (b) the referee shall discuss the aspects that are in need of revision. In case (c) the referee shall justify his/her negative evaluation.
If both referees express the assessment (c), the article will not be published.
Publication Frequency
The Journal is published sixmonthly.
Code of conduct
Code of Conduct
Odradek. Studies in Philosophy of Literature, Aesthetics and New Media Theory is an open access and international journal.
Journal is published through Open Journal System by Associazione "Zetesis-Progetto di studi e Dialoghi Filosofici", (via Paoli, 15 - 56126 Pisa. Registered at Agenzia delle Entrate di Pisa, n. 3705, serie III, 23.10.2014 CF 93082930509) and hosted by server of the University of Pisa Department of Civilizations and Forms of Knowledge ( .
In order to upload the articles that Odradek publishes, one is only required to subscribe free of charge. Odradek has adopted an Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC 4.0). In other words, author can share the material in any medium or format and can transform or remix it, but the Odradek can revoke these freedoms if author does not follow the following terms:
- Author must give appropriate credit, provides a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made. Author may do so in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests the licensor endorses you or your use.
- Author may not use the material for commercial purposes.
The editor in chief of the Journal takes the final decision about the publication of an issue. The decision and the responsibility for the publication of a singular article in an issue are conversely up to the editors of each specific issue. However, the editor in chief and the members of the review board (which play in OJS the role of journal managers) are authorized to check the process of blind reviewing and to require section editors a revision of the issue (even after the official publication) and eventually to reject the publication of an issue if editors do not follow and assure review policies.
Another important role in the process of editing is that of layout editor, who is authorized to send back articles by asking editors of the singular issue to assure that an article adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the author guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
At the moment of the submission, the author is required to:
- Declare that the submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
- Acknowledge that the publisher will not be held legally responsible in case of any claims for compensation.
The issue editors must check that articles do not contain any form of discrimination (concerning race, gender, religion, etc.), but in case of erroneous publication, the article can be cancelled without previous communication to the author. In the case in which the Journal receives the accusation of plagiarism regarding an article already published, the editor in chief and the issue editors shall consult the author and after necessary controls and due reflections can decide to require a revision or to delete the entire article. Instead, in the case in which a scholar, whose writings and theses has been criticised in an article, fells to be erroneously interpreted, he or she can require to reply. The issue editors and the member of the executive board can decide to offer to the first author further comment to the reply. In any case, Odradek is committed to assure the freedom in the expression to authors.